students to do a sub-specialization in a field outside music that contributes to their professional and academic goals. For example, a student completing a M.M. in piano pedagogy may be able to do a sub-specialization in the psychology of learning in the university’s department of psychology or take a sub-specialization in educational methods in the university’s department of education.
In some schools, students are required to give a lecture for one or both of the recitals, in which they explain the historical context or music theory or compositional issues involved in the pieces. This approach, called a lecture-recital, is designed to give students experience explaining and contextualizing the pieces or songs they perform. This skill is important for performers because many also teach or coach students, and some will go on to become professors, where they may be required to give lectures on music history, theory, or composition. One of the major differences between a typical M.A. degree students often undertake original research and prepare and submit a thesis or similar research document, M.M.
Some programs additionally require a sub-specialization in a cognate area, such as music history or performance practice, which contributes to their area of specialization. For example, a student doing an M.M. Some institutions permit M.M.
The Master of Music (M.M. or M.Mus.) is, as an academic title, the first graduate degree in Music awarded by universities and conservatories. combines advanced studies in an applied area of specialization (usually performance in singing or instrument playing, composition, or conducting) with graduate-level academic study in subjects such as music history, music theory, or music pedagogy. The degree, which takes one or two years of full-time study to complete, prepares students to be professional performers, conductors, and composers, according to their area of specialization. is often required as the minimum teaching credential for university, college, and conservatory instrumental or vocal teaching positions.
is usually the performance of one or two recitals and completion of comprehensive exams. The specific components of the recital vary between schools. Some programs allow students to include chamber pieces, in which the student plays a major role as part of a chamber group, for some of the pieces. If a financial statement has a lot of large figures, the accountant may simply dispense with abbreviations.

The Roman numeral mm is frequently used to introduce that the units used in presenting information (financial and non-financial) are in millions. The example below shows how figures can be portrayed in millions.
Other recipients of the M.Mus. may go on to further graduate studies in music by continuing their M.Mus. specialization in performance or conducting at the doctoral level, by completing a DMA (Doctor of Musical Arts) degree in those areas. Some students branch out to another area of music at the PhD level, such as musicology or music theory.
Components of degree
degree may go on to do graduate work in another area in which music is a supporting field, such as an Ed.D. graduates who wish to pursue graduate studies in an area that is not directly connected with music may be conditionally admitted to PhD programs in areas such as women’s studies or sociology, subject to the condition that they complete a list of qualifying courses. The Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto offers a Master of Music in Composition, Music Technology and Digital Media, Instrumental (solo piano, woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings), Collaborative Piano, Conducting, Jazz Performance, Opera, Piano Pedagogy, Voice, and Vocal Pedagogy. The first program for the degree was introduced in 1954.
programs in conducting often requires a video recording of a live rehearsal and performances as a pre-screening element. Composition programs usually require the submission of a portfolio of compositions, including scores and recordings (audio or video) of live performances.
MM/DD/YYYY means Two-Digit Month/Two-Digit Day/Four-Digit Year
program, most institutions require an undergraduate degree or diploma in music, such as a B.M. with a major in music, usually with a grade average of B+ or higher. programs in performance usually require a live audition that includes advanced pieces (or for singers, songs) from a wide range of styles, typically ranging from the Baroque era ( ), the Classical music period ( ), the Romantic music era ( ) to the 20th and/or 21st century.
Singers typically perform arias from operas and art songs, which are typically accompanied by a pianist. Instrumental musicians typically perform solo J.S. Bach or other unaccompanied repertoire, a movement from a sonata, and a movement from a virtuoso concerto. Instrumentalists who play orchestral instruments (violin family, woodwinds, brass, etc.) may be asked to perform excerpts from the standard orchestral repertoire.
The M.Mus degree is usually undertaken to prepare students to be professional performers (typically either singers or instrumental musicians), conductors, and composers. As such many recipients of the M.Mus. degree do not seek further formal education after they complete the M.Mus.
- programs, the student spends intensive lesson time with a professor.
- For singers and instrumentalists, this is with a voice and instrument professor, respectively.
What does mm mean in accounting?
In accounting speak, a written “MM” means a million, whether the accountant is referring to units, dollars, euros or shares. Rather than writing $400,000,000 or $400 million, the accountant can use the MM abbreviation and write $400MM instead.
Some graduates do additional graduate or professional study in other areas, such as a law degree or medical degree. The combination of an M.Mus. and a professional degree could enable the degree holder to work in fields where music and law (or medicine) overlap.
Is it M or MM for million?
Lowercase “mm” does mean millimeters, but uppercase “MM” is used for millions. “Mille” is Latin for “thousand”. MM is Mille Mille. So technically MM would be “thousand thousands” or “a million” .
Stating at the top of the report that “all figures are in millions of dollars” should take care of it. Both approaches are allowed under standard accounting rules. What matters is that readers look at the figures and understand the amounts. As well, some recipients of the M.Mus.
In some universities, candidates must also be admitted to the university’s graduate school; as such, applicants may have to achieve a certain mark on standardized tests, such as the GRE. Similarly, students from countries where the official language is not that of the university may be required to achieve a certain mark on standardized language tests. For example, students applying to a US M.M. program who come from a country where English is not an official language, may be required to pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
students focus on practical, applied areas, as set out in their M.M. area of specialization, which are typically instrumental or vocal performance, composition of new music, or conducting (the latter may focus on orchestral conducting, choral conducting, or a combination of both. When preparing financial statements, accountants will typically write a note at the top of the income statement or the balance sheet saying, “All figures are expressed in millions of U.S. dollars,” for example.
For most graduate programs, transcripts of every program or degree are required, whether or not the degree was completed. For students who have started out, but then withdrawn from a number of programs, they may have to request transcripts from many institutions. Some programs may also request a statement of intent/statement of purpose or another type of essay, in which the candidate explains why she wishes to be admitted, and sets out her professional, performance or career goals. Some programs may request copies of recital programs from previous performances or a list of performance experience, which may include, for orchestral instrumentalists, orchestra experience.
The goal of this exam is to ensure that the student has obtained a well-rounded knowledge and understanding that extends beyond their specialization. is the standard minimum credential to teach applied subjects (performance or composition) at universities and conservatories, it is important that M.M.
What Does ‘MM’ Mean in Accounting?
programs, the student spends intensive lesson time with a professor. For singers and instrumentalists, this is with a voice and instrument professor, respectively. For composition students, they take coaching sessions with composer-professors. For conducting students, they get conducting coaching from a conductor-professor at the university. students typically complete applied studies, such as lessons with a professor, and take courses within their area of specialization.
While PhD programs in musicology and music theory normally require an MA in music, in some cases, students with a M.Mus. in performance or composition who show strong promise may be conditionally admitted to PhD programs in musicology or music theory. programs require students to pass comprehensive exams on their area of specialization and subjects such as music history and music theory.
graduates have this broader understanding of music history and theory. Applicants are typically asked for official transcripts from all post-secondary programs and letters of recommendation from music professors and teachers.
programs, all of the different M.M. The different streams may also have different required courses for each stream. is widely available in performance (sometimes with a specialization in music teaching/pedagogy and/or music literature), composition, conducting, and music education. as a special research degree, in which the student undertakes original research and prepares a written thesis or similar document. Programs focusing on preparing musicians for careers in sacred music for churches and houses of worship may alternatively be called Master of Sacred Music (M.S.M.).
Some institutions use videotaped recitals or performances as a pre-screening method. Some universities have multiple audition locations to reduce the traveling expenses faced by candidates. For example, a school located on the west coast of the United States might offer the option of auditioning at a central and eastern US location. The school’s professors who form the audition panel travel to these other locations to hear auditionees.