What is fixed cost: Examples of fixed costs

What is fixed cost

For example, a retailer must pay rent and utility bills irrespective of sales. For any factory, the fix cost should be all the money paid on capitals and land. Such fixed costs as buying machines and land cannot be not changed no matter how much they produce or even not produce. Raw materials are one of the variable costs, depending on the quantity produced. These types of expenses are composed of both fixed and variable components. They are fixed up to a certain production level, after which they become variable.

However, the refinery can be wildly profitable if the price of oil increases beyond a certain amount. From an accounting perspective, fixed and variable costs will impact your financial statements. For instance, you can’t calculate cash flow or pretax income without considering these expenses. As a business owner, understanding fixed and variable expenses as part of your overall business expenses is crucial for developing your long-term financial plans. To determine your total fixed costs, subtract the sum of your variable costs for each unit you produced from your total cost of production. Variable costs are any expenses that change based on how much a company produces and sells.

Instead, changes can stem from new contractual agreements or schedules. Once you’ve paid off the cost of machinery and equipment, you can start generating higher profits provided the variable costs are low. This is why you should consider both variable and fixed costs together when looking at ways to potentially cut expenses down and generate greater profit. As semi-variable costs consist of both fixed and variable costs, you can separate the two by identifying which costs would remain constant, even with no change in the production output of your business. An example of a semi-variable cost can be the electricity bill for your business.

Variable costs change based on the level of production, which means there is also a marginal cost in the total cost of production. The term cost refers to any expense that a business incurs during the manufacturing or production process for its goods and services. Put simply, it is the value of money companies spend on purchasing and selling items. Businesses incur two main types of costs when they produce their goods—variable and fixed costs. Independent cost structure analysis helps a company fully understand its fixed and variable costs and how they affect different parts of the business, as well as the total business overall.

What is fixed cost

Fixed costs are allocated under the accrual basis of cost accounting. Under this arrangement, fixed manufacturing overhead costs are proportionally assigned to the units produced in a reporting period, and so are recorded as assets. Once the units are sold, the costs are charged to the cost of goods sold. Thus, there can be a delay in the recognition of those fixed costs that are allocated to inventory.

Depreciation, rent, insurance, advertising, and plant superintendent’s salary are examples of a fixed costs. Fixed costs are costs that remain constant in total within a relevant range of volume or activity. Fixed costs typically stay the same for a specific period and they are often time-related. Fixed costs are independent of the number of goods or services produced; variable and total costs depend on the number of goods or services produced.

A fixed cost is a cost that does not increase or decrease in conjunction with any activities. It must be paid by an organization on a recurring basis, even if there is no business activity. The concept is used in financial analysis to find the breakeven point of a business, as well as to determine product pricing. There are a number of ways that a business can reduce its variable costs.

How Are Fixed Costs Treated in Accounting?

Variable costs, however, do not remain the same and are usually directly linked to business activities. These are based on the volume of goods or services produced and the business’s performance. A good way of determining what your fixed costs are is to think about the costs your business would incur if you had to temporarily close. As an example, you would still have to pay rent and insurance, which would be considered fixed costs. Businesses can have semi-variable costs, which include a combination of fixed and variable costs. An example of a semi-variable cost is a vehicle rental that is billed at a base rate plus a per-mile charge.

We follow strict ethical journalism practices, which includes presenting unbiased information and citing reliable, attributed resources. At Finance Strategists, we partner with financial experts to ensure the accuracy of our financial content. Here, the concept of the relevant range is critical; it refers to the range of activity that the company expects to operate in. In the meantime, start building your store with a free 14-day trial of Shopify.

Fixed costs do not change with increases/decreases in units of production volume, while variable costs fluctuate with the volume of units of production. Fixed and variable costs are key terms in managerial accounting, used in various forms of analysis of financial statements. In accounting and economics, ‘fixed costs’, also known as indirect costs or overhead costs, are business expenses that are not dependent on the level of goods or services produced by the business. They tend to be recurring, such as interest or rents being paid per month.

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This is in contrast to variable costs, which are volume-related (and are paid per quantity produced) and unknown at the beginning of the accounting year. Fixed costs and variable costs are two main types of costs a business can incur when producing goods and services. In economics, the most commonly spoken about fixed costs are those that have to do with capital. These costs and variable costs have to be taken into account when a firm wants to determine if they can enter a market.

  • These articles and related content is the property of The Sage Group plc or its contractors or its licensors (“Sage”).
  • In this case, suppose Company ABC has a fixed cost of $10,000 per month to rent the machine it uses to produce mugs.
  • Knowing the difference between expenses and revenue is the key to understanding the profitability of your business.

Many companies have cost analysts dedicated solely to monitoring and analyzing the fixed and variable costs of a business. Companies have some flexibility when it comes to breaking down costs on their financial statements, and fixed costs can be allocated throughout their income statement. The proportion of fixed versus variable costs that a company incurs (and how they’re allocated) can depend on its industry.

Are Fixed Costs Treated as Sunk Costs?

Once established, fixed costs do not change over the life of an agreement or cost schedule. A few of the fixed cost examples above might fluctuate, such as utility charges and rental costs. However, if they change only temporarily, they could still be considered fixed. Unlike fixed expenses, you can control variable costs to allow for more profits. In another example, let’s say a business has a fixed cost of $7,500 to rent a machine it uses to produce shoes. If the business does not produce any shoes for the month, it still has to pay $7,500 for the cost of renting the machine.

These articles and related content is not a substitute for the guidance of a lawyer (and especially for questions related to GDPR), tax, or compliance professional. When in doubt, please consult your lawyer tax, or compliance professional for counsel. Sage makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness or accuracy of this article and related content. Let’s take a closer look at the company’s costs depending on its level of production. Let’s say that XYZ Company manufactures automobiles and it costs the company $250 to make one steering wheel. In order to run its business, the company incurs $550,000 in rental fees for its factory space.

If it produces 10,000 mugs a month, the fixed cost of the lease goes down to the tune of $1 per mug. For example, equipment might be resold or returned at the purchase price. For example, a business rents a building for a fixed cost of $50,000 per month for five years. The rent will stay the same every month, regardless of the business’s profit or losses. In the second illustration, costs are fixed and do not change with the number of units produced.

Making informed decisions about business expenses can help drive profitability. These articles and related content is the property of The Sage Group plc or its contractors or its licensors (“Sage”). Please do not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or disburse without express consent from Sage. These articles and related content is provided as a general guidance for informational purposes only. Accordingly, Sage does not provide advice per the information included.

Since fixed costs are not related to a company’s production of any goods or services, they are generally indirect. These costs are among two different types of business expenses that together result in their total costs. For instance, someone who starts a new business would likely begin with fixed expenses for rent and management salaries. All types of companies have fixed-cost agreements that they monitor regularly. While these fixed costs may change over time, the change is not related to production levels.


The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly. Your electric bill, for example, might increase a little during warmer months due to increased air conditioning usage, but, month to month, there should be little change. Our mission is to empower readers with the most factual and reliable financial information possible to help them make informed decisions for their individual needs.

Another example of variable costs would be if a business produces hats at $5 each. If the business produces 200 units, its variable cost would be $1,000. But if the company does not produce any hats, it will not incur any variable costs for the production of the hats. Similarly, if it produces 1,000 hats, the variable cost would rise to $5,000. Graphically, we can see that fixed costs are not related to the volume of automobiles produced by the company. The first illustration below shows an example of variable costs, where costs increase directly with the number of units produced.

A business is sometimes deliberately structured to have a higher proportion of fixed costs than variable costs, so that it generates more profit per unit produced. Of course, this concept only generates outsized profits after all fixed costs for a period have been offset by sales. Cost is something that can be classified in several ways, depending on its nature. One of the most popular methods is classification according to fixed costs and variable costs.