The difference between moral support and emotional support

support defintion

Consider reaching out to an online therapist, such as those available here atBetterHelp. At BetterHelp, hundreds of licensed online therapists are available to speak. Now, they are not your friend, but they are supportive. They can help you to navigate these friendships that you have and that you potentially can have.

The relationships that we have in our lives help to form who we are as a person; who we surround ourselves with speaks mountains about us. Our friends represent who we wish to become, who we identify with and who we care about.

Sometimes it is hard to identify who our true friends are, especially when we are going through stressful situations. It is easy to feel alone in a very big world if you cannot identify another person to help go through this with. However, to start, sit down and write down people that you know.

Besides, how do you tell the difference when you call someone and tell them you care and are thinking about them? Well, think of it this way, when you offer moral support, you are sympathetic towards another person’s situation. When you give emotional support, you are being sympathetic and showing empathy towards another person’s feelings in an intimate way. Emotional support is borne out of real and authentic relationships with people, while moral support could come from close friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers.

It’s very common that we do get involved in friendships that are not beneficial to us. Some people will call themselves your friend, but they can be detrimental to you. But, when you find the right friends, the tried and true friends, it just feels right.

Those friends that you see from time-to-time or randomly are what you would call casual friends. You don’t have dinner with them every Friday night or chat with them on the phone on a daily basis, but they are a group of people you like to have out with now and then.

Synonyms of support in English:

If you look at any relationship which has lasted a long time, you will find that it is generally a supportive relationship. A supportive relationship is a relationship which brings mutual benefit to both parties helping them to cope with the tough times and maximise the good times.

Since relationships are a two-way street, providing emotional support to your friends is very important. If a friend has been supportive of you, you must do it in return in order to maintain the relationship. If you are just beginning to cultivate or deepen a friendship, showing genuine support and concern to the other person will help that process along. Building a supportive relationship requires effort and commitment but the rewards are amazing and long lasting.

support defintion

These friendships just feel right and take very little effort to uphold. So far, I have tried to give a little explanation of moral and emotional support. You’re not alone trying to figure out where to draw the line between both of these supports.

Ways to Get and Give Emotional Support

That struggle is a very common one – deeply longing for close, supportive relationships but feeling too scared of getting hurt to cultivate them. Separate your feelings for your friend from your feelings about their opinions.

What is the synonym of support?

SYNONYMS. hold up, bear, carry, prop up, keep up, bolster up, brace, shore up, underpin, buttress, reinforce. 2’he was struggling to support his family’ SYNONYMS. provide for, provide sustenance for, maintain, sustain, keep, take care of, look after.

These friendships suck the life out of you, and it is important to get out of them as soon as you can. It will not be easy, but with the support of other friends, family or a therapist, it can be made easier. Emotional support is one of the basic needs of every human, and it involves showing compassion, empathy, and genuine concern for others. Adding to that, it’s an expression of love, trust, and care. It can be expressed in different forms, such as physical comfort like hugs, pats on the back, and also listening and empathizing with others.

  • Our friends represent who we wish to become, who we identify with and who we care about.
  • The relationships that we have in our lives help to form who we are as a person; who we surround ourselves with speaks mountains about us.

One of the clearest ways you can send this message to them and show them that you are emotionally supportive is to demonstrate good listening skills. Emotional support is born out of real, authentic relationships with other people. In healthy friendships and relationships, it is a two-way street; both people in the relationship give and receive emotional support freely. As much as it may feel that you are alone, no one is alone in this world. There are many people out there just waiting to have a friendship with someone like you.

What does it mean to give support?

give (someone) support. To “support” someone means that you help them. It can also mean that you will help them if they need help. Some different kinds of support include: monetary support, which means that you will pay for someone to live or do business.

support – Investment & Finance Definition

Simply put, a supportive relationship enables you to achieve more than you ever could on your own. Sometimes it can feel very uncomfortable to develop a close, emotionally supportive relationship with another person. It makes us feel vulnerable and that can seem strange, embarrassing, scary, or just plain hard. Even in the closest of friendships and relationships we are still unique individuals – and just because we care for each other doesn’t mean we always agree. Use the following techniques to respect others’ feelings in relationships.

Tell Them That You Love Them

Write down co-workers, fellow churchgoers, moms of your children’s friends, neighbors, schoolmates, etc. Many times, in life, we feel as though we can get through a stressful situation if only we had someone to go through that with. A supportive friend is always there for you and is willing to walk through that burning building along with you. This isn’t to say that they are going to follow you wherever you go blindly.

The 5 critical elements of a supportive relationship, outlined above, can be used to help you build a supportive relationship. They can also be used to assess the quality of an existing relationship, helping you to identify any fake friends whom you may need to wave goodbye to. But even while it’s terrifying, it’s also incredibly attractive. A life defined by a lack of emotional support might mean we risk less hurt from others, but it can also mean that we find ourselves incredibly lonely.

This is where it Is really important to realise that there are different degrees of supportive relationship you can offer to everybody you encounter. There will always be people with whom you are friendly, but you are not friends; and there is a difference. You need to choose wisely who are your true friends so that you can give your very best to those relationships while still offering some degree of support to others. We are willing to be discerning in most areas of our life but when it comes to people and relationships, we can be too quick to give our time to anybody that comes along.

Let’s be real; friendships are just another form of a relationship. You have relationships with so many different kinds of people in your life, such as your parents, your spouse, your children, your boss and your friends. If any of those key people in your life are toxic, as in they drain the life out of you, it is hard but important to remove them so that you may live a happy and healthy life. Surrounding yourself with supportive and caring people will foster success in you. You will have the peace of mind that if you take a risk in life and you fail, that your friends will not laugh at you, but rather pick you up and help you to get ready to try again.

You will quickly learn that they will be with you through thick and thin. You both will go through some tough times and some very good times. However, a simple thing such as a fight isn’t going to hold you two back from a healthy friendship. Instead, you two will learn and grow from your fight and come out stronger from it. Even in your worst of days, a supportive friend will be there for you.


Not only will it make your partner feel good about themselves, it will make him or her feel great about you. If you work at it and are intentional about it, casual acquaintances can grow into great friendships. An emotionally supportinve relationship is defined by the safe sharing of personal feelings and concerns honestly and openly, and a lack of a feeling of being judged by the other person. Usually, the most supportive friends are those that start in that casual friend category. A supportive friend is someone who understands who you are and what you need.

There are times where it is important for friends to go their separate ways; however, there are also times that friendships become so consuming that they begin to affect our lives negatively. These friendships are referred to astoxic friendships. In toxic friendships, this friend turns all of the time and attention to him or her. They make you feel as though there is something wrong with you and suggest that you change who you are. They make you feel like you’re waiting for a ticking time-bomb to go off at any moment.

Most times, emotional support is given by close friends and family (people in your close social circle). Also, people can make animals a source of emotional support; these are known as emotional support animals (ESAs). Saying nice things about your mate in the presence of friends or associates is one of the most supportive things you can do.

They can, and will, help you by identifying the pros and cons of a decision you’re about to make. But, they will also stand by you after you make whichever decision it is that you make. They are not judgmental, and they do not have an ulterior motive in showing that they care for you.

If you find yourself having a strong emotional reaction to your friend’s thoughts, take a deep breath to calm yourself down and remember that we are all allowed to have our own opinions and feelings. You aren’t friends with opinions, you’re friends with a person! In order to preserve the relationship you need to respect that everyone is different. Be a good listener.In order to strengthen relationships, people must feel that they are genuinely important to you.

​Throughout your life, you will have many different types of relationships e.g. friendships, intimate relationships and working relationships etc. While each relationship type works in different ways, each works best if it is a supportive relationship.