Similar to the other bankruptcy schedules, it is essential to a successful bankruptcy to fill out Schedule D correctly and in full. The prescribed part is an amount set aside from the sale of assets with a floating charge that has been taken out after 15th September 2003. This is for the benefit of unsecured creditors, to boost their chances of receiving a return from the liquidation. The prescribed part is calculated as 50% of the first £10,000 of floating charge asset realisations, and 20% of any between £10,000 and £600,000.
While a creditor with a lien is entitled to the value of the debt or collateral, whichever is less, an unsecured creditor does not have the same right. In general, unsecured debts, such as medical debt or most credit card debt, are given the lowest priority.
If you have made a loan to the company which is secured against one of their assets, you’re a secured creditor and can sell the asset to recover the money owed to you. But if you’re a supplier for the insolvent business, you fall into the category of unsecured creditor, and fall further down the order of priority for payment.
The Difference between Secured and Unsecured Creditors
In many jurisdictions, because of their dramatic effect on the availability of assets to unsecured creditors on an insolvency, floating charges are required to be registered. This would normally require that they either be paid into a blocked account, or that they be paid directly to the secured creditor.
A certain type of creditor may hold some security over company’s assets, and hence they are entitled to either to sell that security to recoup the money owed them. Fixed charge creditors, however, the situation under themselves and should not be confused with ’preferential creditors’, a legal term referring only to unsecured creditors. Floating charges have been criticised as a “raw deal” for unsecured creditors. AC 22 Lord Macnaghten observed that the injustice of the case (as he saw it) was not caused by the introduction of the concept of limited liability, but by the excessive security created by the floating charge.
Secured creditors are generally banks and asset-based lenders with security in the form of a mortgage on business premises, land, or a specific piece of machinery. Secured creditors could also include invoice factors holding security over a company’s sales ledger. When a company goes into liquidation, the secured fixed charge creditor is able to sell the asset in question to recover their money. However, creditors’ lawyers gradually developed an diverse variety of methods, some authorized by state legislatures and others tolerated by state courts, to evade the general ban on security interests in future property.
The asset the secured creditor owns a security interest in is called “collateral.” A mortgage lender is just one example of a secured creditor because it has the legal right to foreclose on the borrower’s property if he leaves his loan unpaid. Although not traditionally secured creditors, judgment creditors can secure an individual’s debts in certain situations. Secured loan lenders can take these same steps in case of default, but unsecured creditors cannot pursue any assets directly. Unsecured loans usually have higher interest rates than secured loans because there is no collateral. There are many types of unsecured debts, including credit card debt, medical debt, payday loans, and some retail installment contracts.

What does it mean to be a secured creditor?
A secured creditor is generally a bank or other asset-based lender that holds a fixed or floating charge over a business asset or assets. When a business becomes insolvent, sale of the specific asset over which security is held provides repayment for this category of creditor.
Any lesser degree of control was not consistent with a fixed charge, and such charges would be construed as floating charges, regardless of what label the parties had given them. Unlike unsecured debts like medical bills or credit cards, secured debts havecollateral like cars and houses. The creditor has alien on your property, or a right to seize the property if you fail to pay your loan or otherwise default on the obligation.
Personal Loans vs. Credit Cards: What’s the Difference?
- The introduction of a regime of voidable floating charges for floating charges taken just prior to the onset of insolvency is a partial response to these criticisms.
- This perception has led to a widening of the classes of preferred creditors who take ahead of the floating charge holders in a number of countries.
Creditors with liens on property are entitled to receive value that is equal to the debt or the collateral—whichever is less. They can also stop a debtor from using cash collateral and collect money from a trustee’s use of secured property that lowers its value, as well as attorneys’ fees and interest that arises. One of the jobs of a bankruptcy trustee in administering a bankruptcy case is to make sure that creditors’ claims are paid back to the extent possible before discharging a debtor’s debts. All creditors have the right to be heard with regard to liquidation of the debtor’s nonexempt assets in Chapter 7 and with regard to the debtor’s repayment plan under Chapter 13.
As an unsecured creditor, you can file a proof of claim, attend the first meeting of creditors, and file objections to the discharge. You can review the bankruptcy papers that were filed to determine whether there are any inaccuracies. In some cases, you can get the court’s approval to take the debtor’s deposition, if you want to make sure that you are getting paid back the full amount possible, given the debtor’s assets and other debts. However, many unsecured creditors will not be paid in Chapter 7, and they may not be entitled to be paid in Chapter 13, depending on how many priority and secured debts the bankruptcy filer has incurred. Liquidation is a procedure under the Insolvency Act 1986, in which a liquidator collects and sells the assets of an insolvent company.
From the secured creditor’s perspective, the security will cover each and every asset of the chargor. The first case in which a floating security device was tested and upheld came a mere eight years after Holroyd v Marshall in In re Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Royal Mail Co 5 Ch App 318; a remarkably quick gestation by any reckoning.
Most senior debt is secured debt however it can also be unsecured with senior payment provisions. Secured creditors can be confident that they will be paid if a borrower becomes insolvent.
Breaking Down Secured Creditor
In Re London Pressed Hinge Co Ltd 1 Ch 576 Buckley J observed that great mischief arose from the very nature of the floating charge as few of general unsecured trade creditors of the company would even be aware of its existence. Broadly speaking, holding a floating charge gives the secured creditor two key remedies in the event of non-payment of the secured debt by the company. Firstly, the secured creditor can crystallise the charge, and then sell off any assets that the charge then attaches to as if the charge was a fixed charge. Floating charges are enormously popular as a security device for two principal reasons.
All creditors are also entitled to challenge the debtor’s right to a discharge. Since Dax lives in California, is married, and has only $60,000 equity in his house (he owes $300,000 and the house is worth $360,000), he will get to keep his house (California law exempts $75,000 of equity for families). He will be able keep only $2,550 in equity in personal vehicles, so he is likely to lose his classic cars.

Secured Bonds
If a company liquidates, the collateral associated with a secured credit deal can only be used to payoff the secured creditors. A company can generally offer a first lien or a second lien on collateral which allows them to potentially use specific collateral assets in two separate credit issuances.
This perception has led to a widening of the classes of preferred creditors who take ahead of the floating charge holders in a number of countries. The introduction of a regime of voidable floating charges for floating charges taken just prior to the onset of insolvency is a partial response to these criticisms. Secured debt can be compared to senior debt in the capital financing structure.
When a company goes into liquidation, its assets are sold by the appointed liquidator in order to repay creditors. Unfortunately, unsecured creditors as a group rarely recoup all the money owed to them because they lie at the bottom of the payment ‘hierarchy’ in insolvency. Generally, secured creditors have rights based on a deed of trust, a mortgage, a security agreement on personal property like a car, or a judgment lien.
The money generated from these sales is then paid to creditors to discharge the company’s debts to them. A creditor is “secured” when it holds an interest in an asset that belongs to a debtor.