Charities and non-profit organizations usually receive income from donations and grants. Universities could earn revenue from charging tuition but also from investment gains on their endowment fund. It is the measurement of only income component of an entity’s operations.
In cases where income is higher than revenue, the business will have received income from an outside source that is not operating income, such as a specific transaction or investment. Bottom-line growth and revenue growth can be achieved in various ways. A company like Apple might experience top-line growth due to a new product launch like the new iPhone, a new service, or a new advertising campaign that leads to increased sales. Bottom-line growth might have occurred from the increase in revenues, but also from cutting expenses or finding a cheaper supplier.
- While both measures are important and that income is derived from revenue, income is generally considered more important.
- Both revenue and net income are useful in determining the financial strength of a company, but they are not interchangeable.
- Its components include donations from individuals, foundations, and companies, grants from government entities, investments, and/or membership fees.
Understanding revenue and how to calculate it is a core skill for accountants and business professionals. Ultimately, previous work experience or internships in accounting will likely show that you know what revenue is. Some companies may use the average sales price per unit, though that’s not entirely accurate.
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There were many standards governing revenue recognition, which have been consolidated into a GAAP standard relating to contracts with customers. The best way to calculate a company’s revenue during an accounting period (year, month, etc.) is to sum up the amounts earned (as opposed to the amounts of cash that were received). For example, if a new company sold $75,000 of goods in December but allows the customer to pay 30 days later, the company’s December sales are $75,000 (even though no cash was received in December). Reporting revenues in the period in which they are earned is known as the accrual basis of accounting. Hence, a company’s revenue could occur before the cash is received, after the cash is received, or at time that the cash is received.

When cash payment is finally received later, there is no additional income recorded, but the cash balance goes up, and accounts receivable goes down. We can see that Apple’s net income is smaller than its revenue since net income is the result of total revenue minus all of Apple’s expenses for the period. The example above shows how different income is from revenue when referring to a company’s financials. Revenue and income are two very important financial metrics that companies, analysts, and investors monitor.
Special Considerations in Calculating Revenue
Strong revenues will indicate that a business can sell its product or service but strong profits will indicate a business is in good financial health. As such, it is considered to be the “top line” reported by a business. It may be reported in more detail, where gross revenue is reported first, followed by a line item for sales returns and allowances (which is a deduction), followed by the net amount of sales.

Revenue is the amount a company receives from selling goods and/or providing services to its customers and clients. A company’s revenue, which is reported on the first line of its income statement, is often described as sales or service revenues. Hence, revenue is the amount earned from customers and clients before subtracting the company’s expenses. The revenue formula may be simple or complicated, depending on the business.
Example of Revenue
But, the more complex the business, the harder it is to determine income accurately. The bulk an organization’s revenue is usually derived from its core operating activities, and so is known as operating revenue. For example, the operating revenue generated by a producer of lawn mowers comes from its sale of lawn mowers and any servicing fees it charges to customers.
Examples of revenue in a Sentence
Take your learning and productivity to the next level with our Premium Templates. Finally, interest and taxes are deducted to reach the bottom line of the income statement, $3.0 billion of net income. Beneath that are all operating expenses, which are deducted to arrive at Operating Income, also sometimes referred to as Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT).
What Is Revenue? Definition and Formula
Investment bankers may also use revenue as a way to inform investing decisions. Even other finance professionals, like analysts in private equity, will encounter revenue on financial statements and may use it as part of their analysis. While revenue is the top line on a company’s income statement, net income is often referred to as the bottom line. Using the above amounts we see that the company’s net income was only 4% of its revenue ($12,000/$300,000).
There are several deductions that may be taken from revenues, such as sales returns and sales allowances, which can be used to arrive at the net sales figure. Sales taxes are not included in revenue, since they are collected on behalf of the government by the seller. Its components include donations from individuals, foundations, and companies, grants from government entities, investments, and/or membership fees. Nonprofit revenue may be earned via fundraising events or unsolicited donations.