To look at the differences between them we have to give a look at their definitions. Plastics are substances that have a complex structure, they mirror most polymers since they have high molecule ratio between them. They are derived from sources such as oil and petrol while they are softer in nature and therefore it is easy to mold them in different shapes and sizes according to the requirement at the initial stages when it is still raw. Rubber, on the other hand, is different since it derived from tress instead of some sort of chemical.
But regardless of what they look like, all are made with materials that can be dangerous to children and adults. It would not be ethical to ask children to eat tire shreds, so the researchers created chemical solution that mimicked the conditions of a child’s stomach and placed 10 grams of tire shreds in it for 21 hours at a temperature of 37°C.
The main types of plastic include thermosetting and thermoplastic while the main type of rubber include organic and synthetic. Both have their own uses, for example, rubber is mostly used in the construction of tires and in industry for various purposes such as running chemical reactions. Plastic, on the other hand, are more widely used in daily life products such as utensils, food, clothes and other purposes. There are other ways of showing the difference as well but a brief explanation of both these types will be given in the next two paragraphs while differences, in a nutshell, will be given at the end of this article to clarify how they differ.
Example sentences from the Web for rubber
An eraser (also called a rubber outside the United States, from the material first used) is an article of stationery that is used for removing marks from paper or skin (e.g. parchment or vellum). Erasers have a rubbery consistency and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. Less expensive erasers are made from synthetic rubber and synthetic soy-based gum, but more expensive or specialized erasers are made from vinyl, plastic, or gum-like materials. A 2015 report by Yale scientists analyzed the chemicals found in 5 samples of tire crumbs from 5 different companies that install school athletic fields, and 9 different samples taken from 9 different unopened bags of playground rubber mulch. A little under a half have never been studied for their health effects, so their risks are unknown, and the other chemicals have been tested for health effects, but those tests were not thorough.
There are two main types of rubber as well, which are synthetic and organic while many other forms have been made for different purposes in the industry. It can be molded into shape even when it is hardened which gives it an advantage over other materials and is the most common one in its field. The EPA created a working group that collected and analyzed data from playgrounds and artificial turf fields that used tire material.
The whole chemical world has gone under a revolution of some sorts with the developments taking place at a fast rate therefore, the need of more substances and understanding what they are capable of, has become important. The two materials which are different from each other in many ways and have vastly different properties are Plastic and Rubber. They are heavily used in the industry and has become a backbone in construction and home appliances.

Words nearby rubber
Trees put out some sort of liquid which is extracted from the stem and then dried to obtain rubber. It has a large amount of water in it therefore it is easily differentiable.
In its pure form, it is white and consists of repeating units of C5H8. The stylized word “Artgum” was first used in 1903 and trademarked in the USA in 1907. That type of eraser was originally made from oils such as corn oil vulcanized with sulfur dichloride although may now be made from natural or synthetic rubber or vinyl compounds. It is very soft yet retains its shape and is not mechanically plastic, instead crumbling as it is used.
What is rubber?
Samples were collected at six turf fields and two playgrounds in four study sites (Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia and Ohio). In a report released in 2009, the agency concluded that the level of chemicals monitored in the study and detected in the samples were “below levels of concern.” There were limitations to this study, however. The study did not measure the concentration of organic chemicals that are known to vaporize during summer heat (called SVOCs).
Researchers then measured the level of released chemicals in the solution and compared them to levels EPA considered risky. The study also mimicked a child touching the tire shreds and then touching her mouth by wiping recycled tire playground surfaces and measuring chemical levels on the wipes. To evaluate skin contact alone, the researchers tested guinea pigs to see if rubber tire playground samples caused any health problems. This study assumed that children would be using the playground from the ages of 1 through 12.
Origin of rubber
What is rubber slang for?
rubber. The definition of a rubber is someone who massages something, or slang for a condom. An example of a rubber is a massuese. An example of a rubber is a Trojan brand condom.
- There has been increasing evidence that raises concerns about the safety of tire waste as well as new rubber and other synthetic materials used on playground surfaces.
- PAHs, for example, are natural or human-made chemicals that are made when oil, gas, coal or garbage is burned.
- Do you remember when children used to play on tire swings in the backyard or at the park?
While some of these are retreaded and others are ground up to make a low-grade aggregate that can be used for the floors in things like children’s playgrounds, over half of them are wasted (either burned as a fuel or buried in landfills). Rubber manufacturers have recently turned their attention to recycling tires in all kinds of new ways, making everything from mouse mats and sports bags to shoe soles and car components. An elastic material prepared from the milky sap of certain tropical plants, especially the tree Hevea brasiliensis. Rubber is a polymer that is used, after processing, in a great variety of products, including electric insulation and tires.
This residue must then be brushed away with care, as the eraser particles are coated with the graphite and can make new marks. Art gum erasers are traditionally tan or brown, but some are blue. Silicone rubber is a polymer composed of silicon combined with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Rubber is mostly used in the construction of tires and in industry for various purposes such as running chemical reactions. Most of the automotive industry is dependent on rubber for its process and equipment.
The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) conducted three laboratory studies in 2007 to investigate the potential health risks to children from playground surfaces made from tire waste. One study evaluated the level of chemicals released that could cause harm to children after they have had contact with loose tire shreds, either by eating them or by touching them and then touching their mouth. The other two studies looked at the risk of injury from falls on playground surfaces made from tire waste compared to wood chips, and whether tire shreds could contaminate air or water.
It is especially suited to cleaning large areas without damaging paper. The removed graphite is carried away in the crumbles, leaving the eraser clean, but resulting in a lot of eraser residue.
Based on the studies that were done, 20% of the chemicals that had been tested are considered to probably can cause cancer, and 40% are irritants that can cause breathing problems such as asthma, and/or can irritate skin or eyes. Out of the 32 playgrounds surfaced in recycled tires that the researchers in California looked at, only 10 met that state’s 2007 standard for “head impact safety” to reduce brain injury and other serious harm in children who fall while playing. In contrast, all five surfaces made of wood chips met the safety standard.
What is the English name of rubber?
noun. Also called India rubber, natural rubber, gum, gum elastic, caoutchouc. a highly elastic solid substance, light cream or dark amber in color, polymerized by the drying and coagulation of the latex or milky juice of rubber trees and plants, especially Hevea and Ficus species.
Materials made with this synthetic rubber are extremely resistant to heat and cold, being able to withstand temperatures ranging from -80ºF to 400ºF. Resilient and durable, silicone rubber materials resist prolonged exposure to sunlight, oxygen, ozone, moisture and UV light. Silicone rubber does have its weaknesses however as products made of the elastomer are subject to tears and abrasions.
This is the reason that it is not a by-product but a natural one since it can be obtained directly from the atmosphere. It is also present in the synthetic form which can be made after the extraction from crude oil.
Results of the OEHHA studies showed that a single incident of eating or touching tire shreds would probably not harm a child’s health, but repeated or long-term exposure might. One of the PAHs, “chrysene,” was higher than the risk level established by the OEHHA, and therefore, could possibly increase the chances of a child developing cancer. Chemistry is a vast but complicated field and there are many terms involved in it which can be confusing for people since they may carry a different name but have similar meaning or have a similar name but a totally different meaning.
There has been increasing evidence that raises concerns about the safety of tire waste as well as new rubber and other synthetic materials used on playground surfaces. PAHs, for example, are natural or human-made chemicals that are made when oil, gas, coal or garbage is burned. Do you remember when children used to play on tire swings in the backyard or at the park? Those same tires are now being put to a new and possibly hazardous use! Recycling tires for use in playgrounds also keeps them out of landfills where they take up space, harbor rodents and other animals, and trap standing water that serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other disease-bearing insects.
This is an example where what seemed like helpful recycling can instead be harmful. Is your child playing on rubber instead of grass at the playground? The use of human-made surfaces on playgrounds has increased dramatically over the years. Since then, these artificial surfaces have expanded and many look like colorful rubber surfaces.
As its use for various sports activities increased significantly over the years, so did the concerns. Athletes began to complain that the surface was much harder than natural grass, as some studies also began to show that the use of artificial turf could increase the risk for football and other sports-related injuries. This prompted a ban on the use of artificial turf by the English Football Association in 1988, while many ballparks and professional sports stadiums in the United States began converting back to using natural grass during the 1990s. Although the world has a vast appetite for new rubber, we also produce a huge quantity of rubber waste, especially from discarded vehicle tires—and that’s becoming an important raw material in its own right. According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, the United States alone produced almost 270 million waste rubber vehicle tires in 2011, which is about a third of all the tires used worldwide.
It is elastic in nature and can be easily molded in to different shapes but have high breakage ratio. Another way of looking at how they are different is, that you can classify them into different types.