These economists contend that an economy begins to decline as its wealth-producing sector shrinks. Manufacturing is an important activity to promote economic growth and development. The field is an important source for engineering job opportunities. Among developed countries, it is an important source of well-paying jobs for the middle class to facilitate greater social mobility for successive generations on the economy.
Tertiary activities typically require qualification and personal effort. The value that is given in the tertiary sector cannot be stored.
What is a secondary occupation?
By this time computers, machinery and robots replace people in the secondary sector hence the decrease in secondary jobs. The quaternary sector is said to the intellectual aspect of the economy.
It includes education, training, the development of technology, and research and development. It is the process which enables entrepreneurs to innovate better manufacturing processes and improve the quality of services offered in the economy. Without this growth of technology and information, economic development would be slow or non-existent. This is due to the lack of machinery available in farming, forestry and mining.
This sector provides services to the general population and businesses, including retail, sales, transportation and restaurants. The types of workers in this sector include restaurant bartenders, accountants and pilots.
What are examples of secondary activities?
Secondary industries are those that take the raw materials produced by the primarysector and process them into manufactured goods andproducts. Examples of secondary industries include heavy manufacturing, light manufacturing, food processing, oil refining and energy production.
Manufacturers use the raw materials provided by primary industries for production. Examples of manufactured products include books, chairs, bicycles and vehicles. The modern economy can be divided into three sectors that reflect the economic development of that society. This lesson will discuss and explore the interaction between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the modern economy.
Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, health, tourism, services, insurance etc. are included in the tertiary sector. This sector generally takes the output of the primary sector and manufactures finished goods or where they are suitable for use by other businesses, for export, or sale to domestic consumers. This sector is often divided into light industry and heavy industry.
Secondary Activities

Farming is very important because people often grow the food they eat. Primary activities include extracting raw materials that are prepared for production. Nevertheless, primary companies sometimes deal directly with finished goods, rather than just raw materials. Miners extract coal, minerals and fuel that may initially be part of raw materials.
- Quarrying and manufacturing is included in the secondary sector.
- A division of a country’s population based upon the economic area in which that population is employed.
The service industry makes up 80% of the labor force today. The development of this sector can be attributed to demand for more goods and food, which leads to industrialization. Only so much can be done in the primary sector before there is a natural limit on how much can be extracted.

A division of a country’s population based upon the economic area in which that population is employed. Primary sector includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, poultry farming, and mining. Quarrying and manufacturing is included in the secondary sector.
Manufacturing and Industry sector known as the secondary sector, sometimes as the production sector, includes all branches of human activities that transform raw materials into products or goods. The secondary sector includes secondary processing of raw materials, food manufacturing, textile manufacturing and industry.
What are the examples of secondary sector?
As an economy develops, improved technology enables less labour to be needed in the primary sector and allows more workers to produce manufactured goods. Further development enables the growth of the service sector and leisure activities.
Many of these industries consume large quantities of energy and require factories and machinery to convert raw materials into goods and products. They also produce waste materials and waste heat that may cause environmental problems or cause pollution. The secondary sector supports both the primary and tertiary sector. Some economists contrast wealth-producing sectors in an economy such as manufacturing with the service sector which tends to be wealth-consuming. Examples of service may include retail, insurance, and government.
The service sector is the third of the three economic sectors of the three-sector theory. The others are the secondary sector (approximately the same as manufacturing), and the primary sector (raw materials). Tertiary activities are service based and give non-tangible value to customers. Examples of companies that work in this sector include banks, consulting and public transportation. Most companies that are involved in tertiary activities do not have operations involving primary or secondary activities.
Unlike governmental classification systems, the first level of market-based classification systems divides the economy into functionally related markets or industries. The second or third level of these hierarchies then reflects whether goods or services are produced.
Services are demanded when needed and thus must be close to consumers. The tertiary sector involves the supplying of services to consumers and businesses.
The tertiary sector is the fastest growing industry in today’s economic world. When a country becomes more economically developed there is a greater demand for services such as education, health care and tourism.
Similarly, farmers grow crops that can be ready for consumption and thus are not considered raw material. Secondary industry includes manufacturing and construction-related activities.