Capital Budgeting
For this reason, the payback period may return a positive figure, while the discounted payback period returns a negative figure. A general rule to consider when using the discounted payback period is to accept projects that have a payback period that is shorter than the target timeframe. Next, assuming the project starts with a large cash outflow, or investment to begin the project, the future discounted cash inflows are netted against the initial investment outflow.
Alternative measures of ” return ” preferred by economists are net present value and internal rate of return. Alternative measures of “return” preferred by economists are net present value and internal rate of return.
What do you mean by payback period?
Definition: The Payback Period helps to determine the length of time required to recover the initial cash outlay in the project. Simply, it is the method used to calculate the time required to earn back the cost incurred in the investments through the successive cash inflows.
The discounted payback period is a capital budgeting procedure used to determine the profitability of a project. A discounted payback period gives the number of years it takes to break even from undertaking the initial expenditure, by discounting future cash flows and recognizing the time value of money.
The payback period is the time it will take for a business to recoup an investment. Consider a company that is deciding on whether to buy a new machine. Management will need to know how long it will take to get their money back from the cash flow generated by that asset.
What Is a Payback Period? How Time Affects Investment Decisions
They payback method is a handy tool to use as an initial evaluation of different projects. It works very well for small projects and for those that have consistent cash flows each year. However, the payback method does not give a complete analysis as to the attractiveness of projects that receive cash flows after the end of the payback period. And it does not consider the profitability of a project nor its return on investment.
However, the payback period is considered to be flawed because it ignores 1) the cash flows occurring after the payback period, and 2) the time value of money. They discount the cash inflows of the project by the cost of capital, and then follow usual steps of calculating the payback period.
The payback period is expressed in years and fractions of years. The majority of business projects (or even entire business plans for an organization) will require capital.
Alaskan Lumber is considering the purchase of a band saw that costs $50,000 and which will generate $10,000 per year of net cash flow. Alaskan is also considering the purchase of a conveyor system for $36,000, which will reduce sawmill transport costs by $12,000 per year.
For example, if it takes five years to recover the cost of an investment, the payback period is five years. Others like to use it as an additional point of reference in a capital budgeting decision framework. The payback method should not be used as the sole criterion for approval of a capital investment. The method does not take into account the time value of money, where cash generated in later periods is worth less than cash earned in the current period. A variation on the payback period formula, known as the discounted payback formula, eliminates this concern by incorporating the time value of money into the calculation.
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For this reason, this method can fight with NPV and therefore may be wrong. Also, there is no way to determine how low the payback period should be for accepting the project. In academic studies, the use of this method not recommended for mutually exclusive projects. The payback period method is simply that it does not consider normal business scenarios. The most serious disadvantage of the payback method is that it does not consider the value of money time.
Payback period does not specify any required comparison to other investments or even to not making an investment. While the time value of money can be rectified by applying a weighted average cost of capital discount, it is generally agreed that this tool for investment decisions should not be used in isolation.
- The discounted payback period is a capital budgeting procedure used to determine the profitability of a project.
The payback period is the time required to earn back the amount invested in an asset from its net cash flows. It is a simple way to evaluate the risk associated with a proposed project. An investment with a shorter payback period is considered to be better, since the investor’s initial outlay is at risk for a shorter period of time. The calculation used to derive the payback period is called the payback method.
The payback period represents the number of years it takes to pay back the initial investment of a capital project from the cash flows that the project produces. The DPP is used as part of capital budgeting to determine which projects to take on and offers a more accurate result than the standard payback period because it factors in the time value of money.
The metric is used to evaluate the feasibility and profitability of a given project. Payback period method does not take into account the time value of money. Some businesses modified this method by adding the time value of money to get the discounted payback period. They discount the cash inflows of the project by a chosen discount rate (cost of capital), and then follow usual steps of calculating the payback period.
Since the payback period focuses on short term profitability, a valuable project may be overlooked if the payback period is the only consideration. Whilst the time value of money can be rectified by applying a weighted average cost of capital discount, it is generally agreed that this tool for investment decisions should not be used in isolation. Alternative measures of “return” preferred by economists are net present value and internal rate of return. An implicit assumption in the use of payback period is that returns to the investment continue after the payback period.
The payback period method of concessional is that it does not take into account the cash flows coming after the break-even. In addition, it only shows the time required to recover the initial cost of a project and there is some break-even analysis technique.
An implicit assumption in the use of the payback method is that returns to the investment continue after the payback period. The payback method does not specify any required comparison to other investments or even to not making an investment. The payback period is the amount of time for a project to break even in cash collections using nominal dollars.
What Is an Acceptable Payback Period?
In capital budgeting, the payback period is the selection criteria, or deciding factor, that most businesses rely on to choose among potential capital projects. Small businesses and large alike tend to focus on projects with a likelihood of faster, more profitable payback. Analysts consider project cash flows, initial investment, and other factors to calculate a capital project’s payback period. It is determined by counting the number of years it takes to recover the funds invested.
Other capital budgeting analysis methods that include the time value of money are the net present value method and the internal rate of return. Payback period doesn’t take into consideration the time value of money and therefore may not present the true picture when it comes to evaluating cash flows of a project. This issue is addressed by using DPP, which uses discounted cash flows. Payback also ignores the cash flows beyond the payback period. Most major capital expenditures have a long life span and continue to provide cash flows even after the payback period.
When investing capital into a project, it will take a certain amount of time before the profits from the endeavor offset the capital requirements. Of course, if the project will never make enough profit to cover the start up costs, it is not an investment to pursue. In the simplest sense, the project with the shortest payback period is most likely the best of possible investments (lowest risk at any rate).
Net present value method is a tool for analyzing profitability of a particular project. The cash flows in the future will be of lesser value than the cash flows of today. This is a very important aspect and is rightly considered under the NPV method. The payback period method considers the cash flow only as long as the initial investment not returned. Such a limited view of cash flow can force you to ignore a project.
Payback period is the number of years needed for a company to receive net cash inflows that aggregate to the amount of an initial cash investment. Hence the payback period focuses on the pertinent cash flows of multiple accounting years instead of the net income of a single accounting period. The payback period is often computed when evaluating potential capital expenditures.
This is a significant strategic omission, particularly relevant in longer term initiatives. As a result, all corporate financial assessments should discount payback to weigh in the opportunity costs of capital being locked up in the project. Perhaps an even more important criticism of payback period is that it does not consider the time value of money. Cash inflows from the project scheduled to be received two to 10 years, or longer, in the future, receive the exact same weight as the cash flow expected to be received in year one. The definition of the payback period for capital budgeting purposes is straightforward.

The calculation is simple, and payback periods are expressed in years. If cash inflows from the project are even, then the payback period is calculated by taking the initial investment cost divided by the annual cash inflow. These two calculations, although similar, may not return the same result due to discounting of cash flows. For example, projects with higher cash flows toward the end of the project life will experience greater discounting due to compound interest.
The cash flow has received during the initial years of a project gets more weight to compare to the cash flow received in later years. But one project generates more cash flow in the initial years. In this example, the payback method does not provide a clear definition of which project to choose. If a payback method does not take into account the time value of money, the real net present value (NPV) of a given project is not being calculated.