How to Calculate Percentages

what does markup means

How to Calculate Markup: Definition & Formula

A clear understanding and application of the two within a pricing model can have a drastic impact on the bottom line. Terminology speaking, markup is the gross profit percentage on cost prices or cost of goods sold, while margin is the gross profit percentage on selling price or sales.

To use the preceding example, a markup of $30 from the $70 cost yields the $100 price. Or, stated as a percentage, the markup percentage is 42.9% (calculated as the markup amount divided by the product cost). You purchased an item for $10, you mark it up by 50%, sales price will be $15.


This definition of markup was probably developed to avoid using a term that admits to a 100 percent increase. Most consumers would be appalled that you are selling something for double what you paid for it. They would be inclined to ask why you don’t carry a gun and wear a mask.

Gross profit margin is total sales minus cost of goods sold. If, during a month, you sell $25,000 worth of products and your wholesale cost for those products was $15,000, your gross profit margin was $10,000 or 40 percent. The $10,000 is the money available to run your business. Keep track of the difference between markup and margin when calculating your retail or selling prices.

Markup Calculator for Small Businesses

Subtract the cost from the sale price to get profit margin, and divide the margin into the sale price for the profit margin percentage. For example, you sell a product for $100 that costs your business $60.

It seems to us that markup is more intuitive, but judging by the number of people who search for markup calculator and margin calculator, the latter is a few times more popular. So the difference is completely irrelevant for the purpose of our calculations – it doesn’t matter in this case if costs include marketing or transport. Most of the time people come here from Google after having searched for different keywords. The gross profit margin is the profit margin for a specific sale and is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from the revenue.

A markup is added into the total cost incurred by the producer of a good or service in order to cover the costs of doing business and create a profit. The total cost reflects the total amount of both fixed and variable expenses to produce and distribute a product. Markup can be expressed as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the total cost or selling price. Retail markup is commonly calculated as the difference between wholesale price and retail price, as a percentage of wholesale. Margin (also known as gross margin) is sales minus the cost of goods sold.

The profit margin is $40 – or 40 percent of the selling price. Gross profit is the direct profit left over after deducting the cost of goods sold, or “cost of sales”, from sales revenue. It’s used to calculate the gross profit margin and is the initial profit figure listed on a company’s income statement. Gross profit is calculated before operating profit or net profit. Markup (or price spread) is the difference between the selling price of a good or service and cost.

  • This margin calculator will be your best friend if you want to find out an item’s revenue, assuming you know its cost and your desired profit margin percentage.
  • In general, your profit margin determines how healthy your company is – with low margins you’re dancing on thin ice and any change for the worse may result in big trouble.
  • High profit margins mean there’s a lot of room for errors and bad luck.

What does it mean to markup a price?

Markup (or price spread) is the difference between the selling price of a good or service and cost. It is often expressed as a percentage over the cost. A markup is added into the total cost incurred by the producer of a good or service in order to cover the costs of doing business and create a profit.

There can also be an inadvertent impact on market share, since excessively high or low prices may be well outside of the prices charged by competitors. The difference between gross margin and markup is small but important. The former is the ratio of profit to the sale price and the latter is the ratio of profit to the purchase price (Cost of Goods Sold). In layman’s terms, profit is also known as either markup or margin when we’re dealing with raw numbers, not percentages. It’s interesting how some people prefer to calculate the markup, while others think in terms of gross margin.

What is markup example?

markup definition. For example, a retailer may markup its cost by 50% to arrive at a selling price. In the retail method of costing inventory, markup is used to mean the “additional” markup from the original selling price. For example, an item with a cost of $10 might normally be priced at $15.

For example, if a product sells for $100 and costs $70 to manufacture, its margin is $30. Or, stated as a percentage, the margin percentage is 30% (calculated as the margin divided by sales). A mistake in the use of these terms can lead to price setting that is substantially too high or low, resulting in lost sales or lost profits, respectively.

It’s very important that everyone in the company knows that number. Using the gross profit rather than the markup means that everyone in the company is speaking the same language, from accounting to sales, and the numbers reflect the income statement. If the income statement is a part of daily conversation at the company, and everyone is focused on making the right numbers, then EBITDA (profitability) will improve. More and more in today’s environment, these two terms are being used interchangeably to mean gross margin, but that misunderstanding may be the menace of the bottom line. Also, the accounting for margin vs markup are different!

To answer your first question of “what is the benefit in looking at profit in margin format rather than markup format,” the reason lies in your financial statements. On your income statement, you find the gross margin exists when you subtract direct costs from revenue. If you look at your income statement with everything as a percent of sales, then this line is the gross profit percentage.

Calculate a retail or selling price by dividing the cost by 1 minus the profit margin percentage. If a new product costs $70 and you want to keep the 40 percent profit margin, divide the $70 by 1 minus 40 percent – 0.40 in decimal. The profit margin on a product you sell is the difference between your cost and the selling price. Cost can be the wholesale price you pay your supplier or the cost to manufacture the product if you produce it yourself.

To calculate the selling price for your products, simply use the free Markup Calculator. All you’ll need to do is plug in the cost and your preferred markup percentage, and the calculator will generate the selling price for you. The markup price is the difference between the selling price or a product or service and the total cost. In order to make a profit on every good or service sold, you want to charge a price that’s a percentage above how much it costs (manufacturing, packaging, etc.). Markup is the amount by which the cost of a product is increased in order to derive the selling price.

Your income statement will show income of $15 with a cost of goods sold of $10, your gross profit will be $5, a gross profit margin of 33%. Hardap Dam Business Enterprise has a rate of turnover of 7 times. Trade Discounts (margin allowed) is 331/3 % of all selling prices.

This margin calculator will be your best friend if you want to find out an item’s revenue, assuming you know its cost and your desired profit margin percentage. In general, your profit margin determines how healthy your company is – with low margins you’re dancing on thin ice and any change for the worse may result in big trouble. High profit margins mean there’s a lot of room for errors and bad luck. Keep reading to find out how to find your profit margin and what is the gross margin formula.

Margin is the difference between cost and price, and the margin percentage is calculated from the sales price. Markup is added to the cost and calculated from your wholesale cost. Using the example of the $100 dollar product, the $40 in margin is a 67 percent markup on the $60 costs.

what does markup means

Most consumers have had no exposure to the myriad costs associated with retailing and they are used to thinking in terms of net profit margins they have heard in the media. For example, an article in the business section of a newspaper might report that Mega-Mart had sales of $500 million and earned a net profit of 4 percent. An uninitiated reader might conclude that Mega-Mart marks up its goods only 4 percent. In reality, net profit is calculated after overhead expenses have been subtracted from gross profit (total sales less cost of merchandise). The income statement line for gross profit margin will help you determine and set the specific profit margins for your products and categories of products.