To calculate it, begin with your gross income or the amount you earn from all taxable wages, tips and any income you make from investments, like interest and dividends. This will depend on how you’re paid and whether you receive an annual salary or hourly pay. A salaried employee will be paid a fixed amount, usually divided over 12 months. If you’re being paid by the hour—also sometimes known as a wage employee—your payment will vary depending on the number of hours you work. The method for calculating gross wages largely depends on how the employee is paid.

For salaried employees, gross pay is equal to their annual salary divided by the number of pay periods in a year (see chart below). So, if someone makes $48,000 per year and is paid monthly, the gross pay will be $4,000. When you’re paid an annual salary, you’ll often see a recurring figure on every payslip, showing your gross pay for that month.
The amount remaining after all withholdings are accounted for is net pay or take-home pay. Employers who familiarize themselves with these two terms are often better equipped to negotiate salaries with workers and run payroll effectively. Critically, FICA taxes are calculated based on income after voluntary deductions are subtracted from gross pay but before the taxes themselves are subtracted from gross pay. After you’ve subtracted voluntary deductions from gross pay, it’s time to start figuring out taxes.
Gross pay is the amount of money an employee receives from a company before any deductions—such as health insurance, taxes, or student loan payments—are taken out. When a job is advertised, the salary offered is usually listed as the gross pay. This is also sometimes known as your base salary, and excludes any short or long-term incentives or benefits. Net pay is the money left once taxes and deductions have been taken out of your gross pay. This is the amount that is paid into your bank account and constitutes your income.
Budgeting Tips for Taxpayers
And, like I said, you can manipulate that equation to calculate either gross or net pay. In any event, there is one bright side to the gross vs net pay equation. Wrapbook provides an easy-to-use, one-stop-shop for all your payroll needs and more. Sign up for the Wrapbook monthly newsletter where we share industry news along with must-know guides for producers.
Net pay is calculated by subtracting any required taxes or voluntary deductions from the gross pay amount. Once you have your fixed costs and variable expenses totaled, add the two amounts together to determine how much you’re spending every month. Take this total and subtract it from your total monthly net income or take-home pay.
As seen, this employee’s take-home pay rate differs significantly from the gross pay rate. Many credit rating and lending agencies will consider take-home pay when lending money for large purchases, such as vehicles, and property. Keep in mind that this does not apply to those paid via 1099 invoice. In such cases, taxes are left entirely up to the individual worker, and employers are off the tax hook for that particular payment. However, calculating gross vs. net salary on a pay period basis does take slightly more work than just reading your employment contract. We’ll get to the question of Jesse’s gross vs. net pay in just a moment, but let’s first take a look at how gross pay works for salaried employees.
Manage net pay and deductions with Horizons
Post-tax deductions typically consist of disability insurance or garnishments. It’s also called take-home pay, and it presents your total earnings after all the deductions. The exact steps to calculate your gross pay will depend on whether you are a salaried or hourly employee. The compensation that employees get to take home depends on a variety of payroll deductions, some of which may be voluntary, whereas others are mandatory.
In some cases, you may want to give your employee a specific net pay amount as a bonus. Employers are responsible for paying half of an employee’s FICA taxes. All you have to do is divide the gross annual pay by the number of periods. If you have any questions about who is eligible for overtime pay, take a look through our Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employee post.
The main difference between these two terms is that net pay is a worker’s take-home pay while gross salary is the amount employees earn before any deductions. Therefore, gross pay presents the salary you agreed to with your employer, and it includes your wages, overtime, bonuses, and reimbursements. Bear in mind that gross pay is not the amount of money you take home, as it includes taxes and other deductions that have to be taken out of your pay before it reaches your bank account. The W-4, or Employee’s Withholding Certificate, declares the employee’s tax deductions and notes the number of people in their household. Use IRS tax charts to determine applicable withholdings for each employee. The deduction total equals the amount of payroll taxes you must withhold for that specific employee.
Net income will be this amount after all relevant tax and other deductions. Expert local advice can be valuable in ensuring compliance, especially during periods of commercial, political or economic uncertainty. Calculating payroll goes well beyond calculating gross and net pay. If you want to have accurate payroll that abides by state and federal laws, up-to-date books, error-free paychecks, and compliant payroll records storage, payroll software might be the answer. When you provide a job offer to a potential new hire, the contract will often include their gross pay, or the pay they receive before any taxes or deductions are taken out.
Conclusion: Learn the difference between gross and net pay to understand your earnings
Gross and net pay can vary significantly for full-time and part-time employees as well as salaried and hourly employees. After taxes and deductions, an employee’s take-home pay could be hundreds or even thousands of dollars less per pay period. To calculate gross income, multiply the employee’s gross pay by the number of pay periods (see chart above). For instance, if someone is paid $900 per week and works every week in a year, the gross income would be $46,800 per year. To calculate gross pay for hourly workers, multiply the hourly rate by the hours worked during a pay period.
- Other deductions, like health benefits or IRA contributions, are voluntary and only held through the mutual agreement of employee and employer.
- You’ll want to know this number because most bills require monthly payments.
- The net amount will be $300 after withholding social security, Medicare, FIT, and other deductions.
- Read on to discover our 10 top tips for getting the salary you deserve.
- Gross and net pay can vary significantly for full-time and part-time employees as well as salaried and hourly employees.
That retirement money we added back to your paycheck earlier goes into this category, too. After paying those debts, any leftover money can go straight to your savings account. That’s because some income sources are not counted as a part of your gross income for tax purposes. Common examples include life insurance payouts, certain Social Security benefits, state or municipal bond interest and some inheritances or gifts.
Gross pay – also known as gross wages or gross income – reflects an employee’s overall salary or hourly wages. An employee receives this amount before any taxes or deductions are calculated. If you’re a salaried employee, you will typically receive a breakdown of your salary each month on your payslip. Gross pay will usually be shown here—this is the higher figure and is often listed at the top of the slip.
You’ll want to know this number because most bills require monthly payments. Now that you know how to get the gross pay, deduct the total payroll deduction from the gross pay to get the net pay. However, workers can still take advantage of pre-tax deductions, even if they’re paid via 1099.
For example, a part-time employee who works 35 hours at $12 per hour will have a gross pay of $420. If you’re an independent contractor or freelancer, your annual gross income would be everything you’re paid for the work you complete for clients over the course of 12 months. And if you’re an hourly worker, your annual gross income would be what you earn per hour multiplied by the number of hours you work every year. Net pay is the amount of money that a worker receives after all taxes and key payroll deductions have been made. This is the amount that you will receive from your employer each pay period, whether deposited in your bank account or paid in some other way.
In actual practice, calculating an employee’s gross vs. net pay can become quite complicated quite fast. Other deductions, like health benefits or IRA contributions, are voluntary and only held through the mutual agreement of employee and employer. For reference, a “pay period” is a given timeframe for which you submit a paycheck to an employee. Commonly, paychecks are cut once every two weeks, but there is no technical limitation on how short a pay period may be.