Difference Between Turnover And Revenue With Table

We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy. The difference between revenue and sales is relevant to investors viewing company reports. Regardless of the source, these sporadic gains contribute to a company’s total cash flow. Companies such as Exxon post revenue that include both sales and income from supplementary sources. Sales and operating revenues were roughly $67.5 billion for June 2019 versus $71.5 billion for June 2018.

What is the difference between revenue and turnover?

Revenue refers to the money that a company earns by selling goods and services for a price to its customers. Turnover refers to how many times a company makes or burns through assets. Revenue affects the profitability of the company. Turnover affects the efficiency of the company.

Turnover and Revenue are financial terms that are often used interchangeably in various fields but there are varied forms of differences between the two terms. Turnover is the value of sales in any organization at a particular time whereas revenue is the income that is generated by any company by selling their goods and services. Turnover can also simply mean the number of times revenue generated by any organization.

Definition Of Turnover

The purpose is primarily to forecast future financial performance, and future market growth. The main advantage of net income over other profitability measures is that it indicates what amount of money a company can actually retain internally after accounting for all operating and non-operating revenues and expenses. At the same, investors and analysts view net income as a somewhat deceiving profitability measure that provides a distorted picture of the company’s operating efficiency. Maximizing revenue remains a vital aspect that all organizations thrive to achieve in order to conduct sustainable business. Comparing revenue with previous periods and similar companies with the assistance of ratios enable important insights as to how the company is growing.

Revenue vs Turnover

When an industry and its markets are growing, a firm that does not grow may be at risk of losing out to competition, losing customer confidence, and losing investor confidence. In the context of business operations, income is the amount of money a company retains internally after paying all expenses and taxes.

Benefits From Employee Turnover

Firstly, Inventory Turns can represent Net Sales Revenues divided by total inventories. The second approach uses Cost of goods sold divided by Total inventories . With the latter approach, the Average Turnover Period is usually called Days Inventory Outstanding, or DIO. In the same way, other Turnover metrics appearing below measure the firm’s ability to earn returns from other asset classes and other resources, efficiently. Detailed Income Statement example with input data for turnover metrics.

  • The calculation of gross profit does not include any selling, general, and administrative expenses, and so is less revealing than net profit.
  • Both proponents and critics of this practice sometimes call this kind of action rightsizing.
  • For all but the smallest businesses, some level of employee churn is inevitable.
  • The important information for any company in Fixed Asset Turnover metrics has to do with year to year changes.

Most businesses earn their revenue by selling goods and/or services to the clients. For example, a local coffee shop’s revenue is the total amount of money earned from the sale of coffee and snacks to the customers. Business revenue is money income from activities that is ordinary for a particular corporation, company, partnership, or sole-proprietorship. For some businesses, such as manufacturing or grocery, most revenue is from the sale of goods. Service businesses such as law firms and barber shops receive most of their revenue from rendering services. Lending businesses such as car rentals and banks receive most of their revenue from fees and interest generated by lending assets to other organizations or individuals.

Net income/sales, or profit margin, is calculated by investors to determine how efficiently a company turns revenues into profits. The most important being gross margin and profit margin; also, companies use revenue to determine bad debt expense using the income statement method. Sales are the proceeds a company generates from selling goods or services to its customers.

For all but the smallest businesses, some level of employee churn is inevitable. For the employer, employee turnover can bring both benefits and costs. Asset Turnoveris the number of times a firm replaces assets during a year. Companies measure Turnover in this sense with activity and efficiency metrics such as Inventory Turns or Accounts Receivable Turnover. In business, turnover rates are measures of efficiency and performance. Group booking rebates, if any, paid by you or on your behalf to third-party groups for group stays must be included in, and not deducted from, the calculation of Gross Rooms Revenue.

What Is The Difference Between Revenue And Turnover?

However, when tracked on a trend line, it can give a useful perspective on the ability of a company to maintain its price points and production costs over the long term. High employee turnover rates and high customer turnover rates normally represent costly problems. However, in the case of Employee churn, there are also some benefits from employee turnover. Year-to-year growth in sales revenues per employee should at least keep pace with inflation and rising costs per employee. ABC contrasts with traditional costing , which sometimes assigns costs using somewhat arbitrary allocation percentages for overhead or the so-called indirect costs. As a result, ABC and traditional cost accounting can estimate cost of goods sold and gross margin very differently for individual products.

Some companies receive revenue from interest, royalties, or other fees. “Revenue” may refer to income in general, or it may refer to the amount, in a monetary unit, earned during a period of time, as in “Last year, Company X had revenue of $42 million”. Profits or net income generally imply total revenue minus total expenses in a given period. In accounting, in the balance statement, revenue is a subsection of the Equity section and revenue increases equity, it is often referred to as the “top line” due to its position on the income statement at the very top.

In general, it implies the business or trading done by a company, in terms of money, in a given period. On the other hand, the word revenue is specific in nature, which refers to the proceeds received by the company in a particular period. It is not the profit of the company, rather it is the receipts of the company. Profitability RatiosProfitability ratios help in evaluating the ability of a company to generate income against the expenses.


This information is useful for determining how well a company is managing its assets and liabilities. If a business can increase its turnover, it can theoretically generate a larger profit, since it can fund operations with less debt, thereby reducing interest costs. Revenue is the most basic yet important indicator of a company’s profitability and its overall financial performance. It is a critical measure of financial performance that reveals how well a company can generate money from its primary business operations. Generally, analysts and investors carefully assess the company’s revenues from different periods to identify their growth trends.

In the United States, companies use revenue or sales to describe turnover. If the overall inventory turnover for an American manufacturing company is 10, it means that the company as a whole generated $10 in revenues for every $1 of assets. Revenue is nothing but the money received by the company, either from its business activities or from non-operating activities. On the other hand, turnover refers to the overall amount of sales generated by a business enterprise, in a given time period. Turnover may refer to Churn or Replacement Ratein a firm’s employee population. Generally, however, high employee turnover rates are viewed as costly problems that need management attention. Turnover has different terminologies for various fields such as business, human resource management, finances, etc whereas revenue usually denotes similar meaning all over.

Turnover Vs Gross Profit

Government revenue includes all amounts of money (i.e., taxes and fees) received from sources outside the government entity. Large governments usually have an agency or department responsible for collecting government revenue from companies and individuals. However, the sooner the company collects the funds the better; as these funds can be reinvested in the business without having the need to take additional credit to run operations. Furthermore, if receivables take a longer time to pay, possible situations of bad debts may occur as well.

Revenue vs Turnover

That number indicates whether a business is actually growing or contracting. Companies may post revenue that’s higher than the sales-only figures due to supplementary income sources. Full BioMichael Boyle is an experienced financial professional with more than 10 years working with financial planning, derivatives, equities, fixed income, project management, and analytics. How companies report their turnover figures and how reliable they are to investors and analysts is regularly debated.

Turnover can be counted by calculating incoming revenue, such as when inventory turning over brings in sales income. But inventory turnover can also be evaluated in other terms, such as the amount of time it takes you to sell the stock you typically have on hand. In this instance, a turnover cycle is measured in terms of percentage of total inventory being sold and the time it takes to sell it. Although you can also count your inventory turnover in terms of the revenue generated when items are sold, this is just one out of a range of variables and parameters for evaluating inventory turnover performance. EBIT stands for Earnings Before Interest and Taxes and is one of the last subtotals in the income statement before net income.

Revenue vs Turnover

He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Ask Any Difference is a website that is owned and operated by Indragni Solutions. Human resource management- the number of employees hired to replace those who left or were fired during the 12 months. Project Progress Pro Project Progress ProFinish time-critical projects on time with the power of statistical process control tracking. The Excel-based system makes project control charting easy to use—even for those without a statistical background. Business Case Templates Business Case TemplatesReduce your case-building time by 70% or more.

Some customer churn is unavoidable in virtually every industry and market, but especially so where firms compete intensely for market share. Exhibit 4, for instance, shows 2018 customer churn rates by industry, in the United States. Total Asset Turnover and the metric in the previous section compare directly the revenue “returns” from the company’s assets to the book value of the assets. The higher the Asset Turnover Rate, the shorter the time required for assets to generate their own value in sales. This metric measure Inventory turns by comparing total net sales from the Income statement to the value of inventory from the Balance Sheet. The Balance Sheet inventory figures of course represent inventories at period-end.

A company’s sales indicate the performance of its core business operations, while its revenue may be padded with one-time events like sales of property. Revenue is the entire income a company generates from its core operations before any expenses are subtracted from the calculation. Turnover is used to know the company’s efficiency in managing the company’s resources, so as to plan and control the level of production. As against, revenue reflects the increase in the company’s sales growth and profitability position as compared to the previous years. Exhibit 5 The example Balance Sheet in Exhibit 5 below provides some source data for efficiency and activity turnover metrics illustrated above.

  • The revenue gives the gross income of the company from which the costs are deducted to give the net income of the company.
  • The Accounts Receivable Turnover metric reflects the firm’s ability to enforce good credit and collection policies.
  • Revenue and turnover are two accounting terms that are often used interchangeably.
  • Revenue is often referred to as the “top line” because it appears at the top of the company’s income statement.
  • Note, incidentally, that Turnover appear on Exhibit 1 simply as Net Sales Revenues, whereas the more detailed Income Statement in Exhibit 5 presents figures for both Gross sales revenues and Net Sales Revenues .
  • As against, revenue reflects the increase in the company’s sales growth and profitability position as compared to the previous years.
  • Revenue and turnover sometimes refer to the same thing, such as when a company earns revenue through sales.

Many companies generate additional income from the sale of assets during periods when they’re cash poor. Other non-operating revenue gains may come from occasional events, such as investment windfalls, money awarded through litigation, interest, royalties, and fees.

Key Differences Between Turnover And Revenue

For turnover, companies may maintain certain standards with regard to how much the receivables and inventory turnover should be since these largely depend on the nature of business. Although there is a difference between revenue and turnover, both are important concepts to a business. Receivables turnover is calculated by dividing net turnover by the company’s average level of accounts receivables. This measures how quickly a company collects payments from its customers. Cash turnover ratio compares a compares turnover to its working capital to gauge how well a company can finance its current operations. Revenue mainly refers to the money earned by the company during the ordinary course of business operations, i.e. operating revenue. Revenue and Turnover are often used interchangeably, and in many contexts, they also mean the same.